Návštěva velvyslance Spojených států amerických Bijana Sabeta
Vážené studentky/studenti a zaměstnankyně/zaměstnanci Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem,
s radostí vás zveme na výjimečnou akci, která se bude konat dne 7. listopadu 2023 od 14:00 hodin v Červené aule Multifunkčního centra (MFC) na naší univerzitě, Univerzitě J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem. Naše univerzita má tu čest přivítat pana Bijana Sabeta, velvyslance Spojených států amerických.
Pan velvyslanec přednese zajímavou přednášku, která se podrobněji zaměří na důležité aspekty vztahů mezi našimi dvěma zeměmi, Spojenými státy americkými a Českou republikou. Jedná se o jedinečnou příležitost k hlubšímu porozumění aktuálním událostem a perspektivám budoucího vývoje těchto vztahů.
Tato událost je přístupná všem našim studentům a zaměstnancům, a je realizována z iniciativy Pedagogické fakulty, konkrétně z katedry anglistiky. Pane velvyslance představí vedoucí katedry anglistiky doc. Natalia Orlova.
Po přednášce bude následovat diskuzní část, kde budete mít možnost položit své otázky a aktivně se zapojit do zajímavé debaty.
Těšíme se na vaši účast a na setkání s vámi na této výjimečné události.
Dear students and staff of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem,
We are delighted to invite you to a special event that will take place on November 7, 2023, at 2:00 PM in the Red Hall of the Multifunctional Center (MFC) at our university, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. Our university is honored to welcome Mr. Bijan Sabet, the Ambassador of the United States of America.
The Ambassador will deliver an interesting lecture that will delve into the important aspects of the relationship between our two countries, the United States of America and the Czech Republic. This is a unique opportunity for a deeper understanding of current events and the future prospects of these relationships.
This event is open to all our students and staff and is organized on the initiative of the Faculty of Education, specifically the Department of English. The Head of the Department of English, Professor Natalia Orlova, will introduce Ambassador Sabet.
Following the lecture, there will be a discussion session where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and actively engage in an interesting debate.
We look forward to your participation and meeting you at this exceptional event.
Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary to the Czech Republic
Bijan Sabet was sworn in as Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary to the Czech Republic on December 16, 2022.
Prior to his appointment, Ambassador Sabet was co-founder of Spark Capital,
a successful venture capital firm. Throughout his career, Ambassador Sabet focused on helping technology entrepreneurs reach their potential and build important global companies. In his role at Spark Capital, he led investments and served on the board of directors of early-stage startup companies that have transformed into global leaders. Ambassador Sabet led Spark’s investment in Twitter in 2007 when there were just ten employees at the San Francisco based startup. His firm led early-stage investments in other iconic companies including Wayfair, Cruise Automotive, Oculus, Slack, Tumblr, Warby Parker, Discord, Stack Overflow, and others that have led to the creation of tens of thousands of new jobs. Ambassador Sabet also enjoyed mentoring both students and young professionals, particularly those from backgrounds that are underrepresented in the venture capital industry. Prior to co-founding Spark Capital in 2005, he worked as a senior executive in numerous technology startup companies in Silicon Valley, California, and Massachusetts.
Before his appointment, Ambassador Sabet served on the Board of Trustees of Boston College, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree. He also served as a Trustee at St Mark’s School in Southborough, Massachusetts and Beaver Country Day School in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Ambassador Sabet is a passionate photographer who likes traditional non-digital formats. Ambassador Sabet’s mother immigrated from Korea in the 1960s, his father immigrated from Iran at the same time. He married his soulmate and together, they have three wonderful kids and a silly dog called Sam.